General Registration Inquiries
Time is TBD
|Lower Mainland
For general registration Inquiries.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Lower Mainland
About The Event
For general registration Inquiries.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy and Veit Liability Waiver:
Goaltending Instruction reserves the right to reschedule or regroup players according to enrollment and/or availability. A full letter of credit will be issued upon cancellation if notified 14 days prior to commencement of the class. Veit Goaltending Instruction*, the hockey complex*, and the employees* will not be held liable or held responsible for any accident or loss however caused and agree to release all mentioned parties from all claims and damages. I further verify that I, or my child, or my ward have no medical problems or issues and in good physical health and the above mentioned parties (*) will not be held responsible for any medical, dental or insurance claims resulting from injury.